A. Conclusions
Based on the results of data analysis and processing of the data is the result of research that has been done in SMAN 1 Sungguminasa class X MIA 12 regarding the implementation of a web-based tutorial media to the study of students, it is concluded that:
1. Student learning outcomes before taught using a web-based tutorial media on students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa in category.
2. Student learning outcomes after being taught to use a web-based tutorial media on students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa in the high category.
3. Implementation of a web-based tutorial media can improve learning outcomes of Physics, Mathematics and Science in grade 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa. based test N gain is included in the medium category.
B. Suggestions
1. Teachers in control in the learning process should be doing the learning that focuses on active learners.
2. To other researchers suggested that doing further research on web-based tutorial media.
3. Due to increased learning outcomes from the use of this teaching it is advisable to physics teachers should consider the use of a web-based tutorial media in teaching and learning.
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