Wednesday, November 12, 2014


A. Understanding Teaching and Learning
Syaiful Sagala (2003: 11), learning is a component of science education with regard to the purpose and Acua material interactions, both explicit and implicit (hidden). According to Gage in Saiful Sagala learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. While Henry E. Garrett believes that learning is a process that takes place in the long term through the training and experience that led to change ourselves and change the way react to certain stimuli.
(Brunner in M.Arief Fauzan Boukhori, 2013), learning is expressed as events intellectual development, in particular the increase in a person's ability to integrate and use new information. Learning involves three processes which occurred about the same time, the new information, transformation, and evaluation. In connection with the new information, Brunner in M.Arief Fauzan Boukhori (2013) stated that the knowledge of a person before experiencing a certain learning process is called the initial capability.
Abdul Majid (2013: 4), Simply put, the term learning (instruction) and serves as "an attempt to (effort) and a variety of strategies, methods and approaches towards achieving the goals that had been planned". Learning can also be viewed as a teacher in a programmed activity in instructional design to make students active learning that emphasizes the provision of learning resources.
Syaiful Sagala (2003: 61), is membelajarkan student learning using the principles of education and learning theory is a major determinant of educational success. Learning is a two-way communication process, the teaching is done by the teacher as an educator, while the study carried out by learners or students.
Asep Jihad & amp; Abdul Haris (2008: 11), learning is a process that consists of a combination of two aspects, namely: study focused on what to do student, teaching oriented on what should be done by the teacher as a giver of lessons. Both of these aspects will collaborate integrated into an activity at the time of interaction between teachers and students, and between students and students when learning is ongoing.
(Ministry of Education in M.Arief Fauzan Bukhaari, 2013), states that learning can be defined as a change in ability, attitudes, or behavior of a relatively permanent learners as a result of experience or pelatihan.Perubahan ability applies only an instant and then returned to its original behavior show yet learning events, although it may occur teaching. The task of a teacher is to make the students' learning process is effective.
B. Media Tutorials Web
Rusman, et al (2011: 263), a web-based learning is an instructional activities that utilize media sites (websites) which is accessible via the internet jarigan. Web-based learning, known also as "a web-based learning" is one kind of application of electronic learning (e-learning).
E-learning is a process and implementation of web-based learning activities (web-based learning), computer-based learning (computer based learning), virtual classroom (virtual classrooms) and / or digital classroom (digital classroom). Materials in electronic learning activities are mostly conducted through the internet, intranet, video or audio tape, broadcasting via satellite, interactive TV and CD-ROM.
Jaya Kumar C. Newspapers in Mohammad Yazdi (2012), defines e-learning as any teaching and learning using electronic circuits (LAN, WAN, or the Internet) to deliver learning content, interaction, or guidance. There also interpret the e-learning as a form of distance education is done via the Internet.
While Dong (in Mohammad Yazdi, 2012) defines e-learning as an asynchronous learning activities through an electronic device to obtain computer learning materials that fit their needs.
Rusman, et al (2011: 264), e-learning is not the same as the conventional learning. E-learning has the following characteristics:
1. Interactivity (interactivity); the availability of more communication channels, either directly (synchrounus), such as chat or messenger or indirectly (asynchrounus), such as forums, mailing lists or guest book.
2. Indepedency (Independence); providing flexibility in aspect of time, place, teachers and teaching materials. This leads to more centralized learning to students (student-centered learning).
3. Accesibility (Accessibility); learning resources become more accessible through distribution on the Internet with greater access than the distribution of learning resources in the conventional learning.
4. Enrichment (Enrichment); learning activities, presentation of course material and training materials as enrichment, allowing the use of information technology devices such as steaming video, simulation and animation.
These four characteristics above are things that distinguish e-learning from conventional learning activities. In e-learning students' perception of the learning material is no longer dependent on the instructor / teacher, as students mengonstruk own science knowledge through teaching materials delivered through the web site interface.
Meanwhile, according to Mohammad Yazdi (2012), the characteristics of e-learning, among others. First, Utilizing electronic technology services; where teachers and students, students and fellow teachers and fellow students or teachers can communicate with relative ease with without being limited by the things that protocol. Second, use the advantages of computers (digital media and computer networks). Ketga, use of teaching materials is independent (self-learning materials) are stored in the computer so it can be accessed by teachers and students anytime and anywhere if the person concerned need it. Fourth, Utilizing learning schedule, curriculum, learning progress and results of matters relating to the administration of education can be viewed at any time on the computer.
To be able to produce an e-learning interesting and attractive, Onno W. Purbo in Mohammad Yazdi requires three things that must be met in designing elearning, namely: simple, personal, and fast. Simple system will facilitate students in using technology and the existing menu, with the ease at which the panel is provided, will reduce the introduction of e-learning system itself, so that the participants can be made efficient learning time for the learning process itself and not on learning to use the system e -learning it. Terms of personal means teachers can interact with either like a teacher who communicate with students in class. With the approach and a more personal interaction, learners noted progress, and assisted all the problems that it faces. This will make the students comfortable to linger in front of his computer screen. Then the service is supported by the speed, quick response to complaints and needs of other learners. Thus the improvement of learning can be done as soon as possible by a teacher or administrator.
Web-based learning is a learning experience by utilizing the Internet to communicate and deliver learning information.
C. Principles of Web Based Media
Rusman, et al (2011: 276), a web-based learning is built through some of the principles that play a role in determining the success of this learning process in the implementation phase. Things that make effective web-based learning is essentially dependent on the views of stakeholders. The main principle in web-based learning include:
1. Interaction means the capacity of communication with other people who are interested in the same topic, or use the same web-based learning. In a learning environment, interaction means the capacity to speak both among participants, and between participants with the instructor. Interaction distinguish between web-based learning with computer-based learning (Computer-Based Instruction).
2. interoperability in question here is how the student is using the web, There are two important elements in this interoperability principles, namely consistency and simplicity.
3. Relevance obtained through precision and ease. Any information on the web should be made very specifically to improve the understanding of the learner.

D. Development of E-Learning Model
Rusman, et al (2011: 291), the web course is the use of the Internet for educational purposes, in which students and faculty separate spenuhnya and no need for face-to-face. The entire teaching materials, discussion, consultation, assignments, exercises, examinations and other learning activities fully delivered via the internet. In other words, this model uses the system remotely.
Web centric course is the use of the Internet that combines distance learning and face-to-face (conventional). Most of the material is delivered via the Internet, and partly through face to face. Its functions are complementary. In this model, teachers / lecturers can provide guidance to the student / students to learn the material that has been made. Student / students are also given direction to look for other sources of relevant websites. In face-to-face student / student and teacher / lecturer more discussion about the findings of the material that has been learned through the internet.
Web enchanced course is the use of the Internet to support the quality of learning is done in the classroom. Internet function is to provide enrichment and communication between students and faculty, fellow students, members of the student group or other resource persons. Hence, the role of faculty in this case required to master the technique of searching for information on the internet, guiding students seek and find websites that are relevant to the course material, presenting the material through the web attractive and desirable, serving guidance and communication via the internet, and skills another necessary.
E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Web Based Media
1. Advantages of Web Based Media
a. Allows anyone anywhere, anytime, weeks to learn anything.
b. Learners can learn according to the characteristics and pace himself for web-based learning makes learning is individualized.
c. The ability to create a link (link), so that learners can access information from a variety of sources, both inside and outside the learning environment.
d. Potential as a source of learning for learners who do not have enough time to learn.
e. Can encourage learners to be more active and independent in learning.
f. Providing additional learning resources that can be used to find the information they need.
g. Providing search engine that can be used to find the information they need.
h. The contents of the subject matter can be updated easily.
2. Lack of Web Based Media
a. The success of web-based learning relies on self-reliance and motivation of learners.
b. Access to following study using the web is often a problem for learners.
c. Learners can quickly feel tired and bored if they can not access the information, due to the absence of adequate equipment and sufficient bandwidth.
d. Needed guidance for learners to seek information that eleven, because the information contained in the web is very diverse.
e. By using a web-based learning, learners sometimes feel isolated, especially if there are limitations in communication facilities.
F. Results of Study
Purwanto, (2008: 44) stated learning outcomes can be explained by understanding the two words that make it up, namely the "results" and "learning". Understanding the results (product) refers to an acquisition as a result of doing an activity or process that results in a change in the functional input. The result of the acquisition of the production is obtained as a result of activities change materials (raw materials) into finished goods (finished goods). This applies to the limitation for the term of the harvest, sale, development outcomes, including learning outcomes. In the cycle of input-process-outcome, the results can be clearly distinguished by input due to the change process. Similarly, in the teaching and learning activities, after a change of student learning behavior than sebelumnya.Hasil learning is the patterns of actions, values, understandings, attitudes, appreciation and skills.
Asep Jihad & amp; Abdul Haris (2008: 14), go round the achievement of learning outcomes form of behavior change that tends to settle on the cognitive, affective and pisikomotorik of learning outcomes conducted within a certain time. Furthermore, Benjamin S. Whacky found learning outcomes can be grouped into two kinds of knowledge and skills.
LA Kharida (2009) stated learning outcomes are obtained student behavior change after a learning activity. Learning activities will take place at the student if there is an interaction between stimulus situation with memory contents, so that his behavior changed from the time before and after the stimulus situation. Changes in student behavior indicates that the student has learning activities.
G. Framework
The series of events in teaching, as a driver of student learning received by each student individually as well. This means that each individual student to obtain outside influences in the learning process with different levels corresponding to the potential ability of each. Therefore, learning outcomes will be different too.
The teacher in charge of the main achievement of the goals of education is demanded to find and implement appropriate learning models. One lesson that can be done by the teacher is learning web-based learning.
With the web-based learning learning expected of students can play an active role in learning. Due to the web-based learning is that learners can obtain the learning information both in the classroom and outside the classroom. In web-based learning is learning instructs students to learn subject matter through the web that has been made. Learners are also given direction to look for other sources of relevant websites. In face-to-face, teachers and learners more discussion about the findings of the material that has been learned through the internet.

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