A. Background The development of rapid information technology in today's era of globalization inevitable pendidikan.Tunutan pegaruhnya against global world requires education to always be borne in adjusting perekembangan technology to attempt to improve the quality of education, especially the adjustment of the use of information and communication technologies for the world of education in the learning process. The tendency of change and innovation preformance education will continue to occur and thrive in the 21st century memeassuki today. Perubaha include: younger in the search for learning resources, more options to use and utilize ICT, One is the use of Web learning E-learnig. The trend of change and innovation, has very broad implications yag in education, namely: changes in pembaruaan programs and learning technology, changes in teaching and learning by using the method ekxperimental. Control over the student learning, increase IQ (Intelligence Quotient) yng offset by coaching EQ (emotional quotient) and SQ (Spiritual Quotient). Will change the demands of education is what makes the world requires innovation and creativity in the learning process. On the Web learning e-learning, better known denagan term Web Based Learning by utilizing the internet facility allows students to access the material more quickly, anywhere, and anytime that of the learning process of students are expected to be more active, able to solve the problem, examine the various inventions, and so on so students really have an involvement in the learning process. From the observations that have been made in high school 1 Sungguminasa obtained that the KKM at this school is 75.Namun there are some students who have not reached the KKM. In addition to problems of not achieving the KKM there are also problems that occur in the classroom among which the lack of attention of learners, learners are less active in the classroom. Based on the above background, the authors tried to formulate solutions to those problems through the study entitled "Implementation of Web-Based Media Tutorials for Learning Physics Class X Results SMA 1 Sungguminasa"
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background that has been presented, the formulation of the problem to be addressed in this study proposed the following: 1. How big is the result of learning physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 before taught using Web Based Media Tutorials? 2. How big is the result of learning physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 after being taught using Web Based Tutorials Media? 3. How to increase student learning outcomes once taught physics using Web Based Media Tutorials SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa academic year 2014/2015?
C. Objective
1. To know the results of studying physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 before taught using Web Based Tutorials Media. 2. To know the results of learning physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 after being taught using Web Based Tutorials Media. 3. To find out how to increase student learning outcomes once taught physics using Web Based Media Tutorials SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa academic year 2014/2015.
D. Benefits Research
The benefits of this research are: 1. For students to train themselves to become actively engaged in their learning and to develop a spirit of cooperation. 2. For teachers Making one alternative learning programs for educators. 3. For schools In an effort to repair and improvement of learning so as to support the achievement of the target students' curriculum and absorption as expected.
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