Tuesday, March 3, 2015

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014


A. Conclusions
Based on the results of data analysis and processing of the data is the result of research that has been done in SMAN 1 Sungguminasa class X MIA 12 regarding the implementation of a web-based tutorial media to the study of students, it is concluded that:
1. Student learning outcomes before taught using a web-based tutorial media on students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa in category.
2. Student learning outcomes after being taught to use a web-based tutorial media on students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa in the high category.
3. Implementation of a web-based tutorial media can improve learning outcomes of Physics, Mathematics and Science in grade 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa. based test N gain is included in the medium category.
B. Suggestions
1. Teachers in control in the learning process should be doing the learning that focuses on active learners.
2. To other researchers suggested that doing further research on web-based tutorial media.
3. Due to increased learning outcomes from the use of this teaching it is advisable to physics teachers should consider the use of a web-based tutorial media in teaching and learning.


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In this chapter the results of the research will be presented along with discussion of the application of web-based media tutorial on learning outcomes of physics students. Data and information that is processed is studying physics test results obtained from research grade with pretest administration in the form of a written test of 25 multiple choice questions and giving posttest also shaped in the form of a written test of 25 multiple-choice questions.
Results Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis of physics learning outcomes by implementing a web-based tutorial media in class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 can be seen in the table below:
Table 4.1 Descriptive Analysis Score of Students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa 2014/2015 school year on Current Pre Test
Score Statistics Statistics (pretest) Score Statistics (Posttest)
Skor Statistik (Pretest)
Skor Statistik (Postest)
Jumlah peserta didik
Skor ideal
Skor tertinggi
Skor terendah
Skor rata-rata
Stándar deviasi

Table 4.1 shows the statistical scores pretest mean score of students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa academic year 2014/2015 for Straight Motion material is at 10.20 or 40.8% of the ideal score. Scores obtained teringgi learners is 14 or 56% of the ideal score is 25 and the lowest score is 5 or 20% of the score of 0 is possible to achieve. The standard deviation obtained was 1.77 and the variance is 3.12. While skort stastistk Posttest shows that the average score of students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa academic year 2014/2015 for Straight Motion material is at 16.31 or 65.24% of the ideal score. Scores obtained teringgi learners is 21 or 84% of the ideal score 25 and the lowest score was 12 or 48% of the score of 0 is possible to achieve. The standard deviation obtained was 2.52 and the variance is 6.36.
If the score is the study of students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sunnguminasa 2014/2015 academic year were analyzed using the categories of learning outcomes in the distribution of frequencies may be made yabel as follows:

Table 4.2 Category Score Physics Learning Outcomes of Students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sunggumina 2014/2015 school year on Current Pre Test And Posttest

F (Pretest)
F (Postest)
0 – 4
Sangat Rendah
Sangat Rendah
5 – 9
10 – 14
15 – 19
20 – 25
Sangat Tinggi
Sangat Tinggi


Table 4.2 shows the category scores physics learning outcomes of students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sunggumina 2014/2015 academic year in Pre Test Now that gets very low categories are 0 learners lower category there are 15 students, there are 30 categories of learners, higher categories are 0 learners and very high categories are 0 learners. While the physics learning outcomes of students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sunggumina 2014/2015 school year at the time of the posttest got very low categories are 0 learners lower categories are 0 learners, there are 10 categories of learners, high category there are 28 participants students are very high and there are seven categories of learners.

Figure 4.1 Category Score Physics Learning Outcomes of Students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sunggumina 2014/2015 school year on Current Pre Test And Posttest for 45 learners
From the graph above shows that there are scores peerbedaan physics learning outcomes pretest and posttest paada. It can be seen from the graph above appointment pretest and posttest when no learners who score very low category, there are 15 students in the low category at the moment when the pretest posttest while no students who score in the category of being, there are 30 students in the category of being at the time when the pretest posttest while there were 10 students who score in the category of being, there are no students who score high on the current category pretest posttest while at 28 learners who score by category high, there are no students who score very high category at the time when the pretest posttest while 7 students who score very high category.
Test Analysis Increased N-Gain
To determine whether there is a web-based tutorial media contribute to the improvement of learning outcomes physics, is to compare the mean improvement of learning outcomes in teaching physics before using a web-based tutorial media with average learning outcomes in teaching physics after using a web-based tutorial media. Improved learning outcomes for every student of physics are expressed as the difference between pretest and posttest scores that the student obtained. The mean results of studying physics students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 as follows:
Table 4.3 Summary of Results of Learning Physics Class Students of Class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015

Skor Rata-Rata Pre Test
Skor Rata-Rata Pos Test

Figure 4.2 Graph difference Average Score Learning Outcomes of Students Class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 on Current Pre Test and Post Test for 45 learners

From Figure 4.2 it can be seen comparing the average score obtained learners during the pre-test post-test obtained 10.20 while 16.31. That means that there is an increase in learning outcomes before taught using a web-based tutorial media and after being taught by using a web-based tutorial media.
To see the average gain is normalized (N-Gain), the following is presented distribution and the average percentage of N-Gain gain index criteria.
Table 4.4 Summary of Results of Learning Physics Class Students of Class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 Based on N-Gain Range
Range No. Category Frequency Percentage (%) Average N-Gain
Persentase (%)
Rata-rata N-Gain
g ≥ 0,7
0,3 <  g ≤ 0,7
g< 0,3

Table 4.6 shows that the four students meet high criteria, 27 students meet the criteria of being, and 14 people who meet the criteria low. Seen also that students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 12 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015 has an average score of 0.42 normalized gain is included in the medium category.
This study was conducted to determine the application of web-based tutorial media in learning physics class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa Academic Year 2014/2015. To cognitive prepared 40 items about which validated and obtained 25 valid question. Note that if the number of students as many as 15 people, a list of table r shows r-table is. So about as valid if large γ_pbilebih from.
Learning outcomes are then processed to first determine the average score, standard deviation, the highest score (maximum), the lowest score (minimum), and the frequency distribution of student learning outcomes. Test results of the current study on the pretest showed that the highest scores obtained by students is 14 and the lowest score is 5, and the average score was 10.20 yag obtained. The magnitude of the standard deviation of the distribution of scores of students is 1.77 and the variance of 3.12. As for the test results at the time of posttest study showed that the highest scores obtained by students is 21 and the lowest score is 12 out of the ideal score 25 and the average score obtained was 16.31. The magnitude of the standard deviation of the distribution of scores of students is 2.52 and the variance is 6.36.
Based on the score category table physics student learning outcomes class x Mathematics 12 sma 1 sunggumina country during the 2014/2015 school year pre-test and post-test shows, which gets very low categories are 0 learners lower category there are 15 students, there are 30 categories learners, there is a high category 0 learners and very high categories are 0 learners. While the physics learning outcomes of students of class X Mathematics 12 SMA 1 Sunggumina 2014/2015 school year at the time of the posttest got very low categories are 0 learners lower categories are 0 learners, there are 10 categories of learners, high category there are 28 participants students are very high and there are seven categories of learners.
Having analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis can be seen that an increase in learning outcomes taught physics before using the media and the web-based tutorial after tutorial taught by using a web-based media, as seen from an average score of 10.20 obtained in category is being increased to 16.31 in the high category.
Having analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, then in the analysis using N-Gain test to determine the categories of physics learning outcome. If the results of the analysis were obtained post-test is greater than the pre-test, it can be concluded that an increase learning outcomes physics. Post-test results showed an average score of students at 16.31 while the average pre-test scores of students is 10.20. After using a web-based tutorial media in the learning process turns out there is an increase in student learning outcomes. Difference scores at pre-test post-test showed an increase in the study of students called the gain. Because N-gain of 0.42 then meet category 0.3


A. Type and Design Research
1. Types of Research
Based on the title and problems, on top of the kind of research is a pre-experimental.
2. Research Design
This research is pre-experimental research designs (nondesigns) by using a research design that is One-group pretest-posttest design. In this design there is a pretest, before being treated. Thus the results of treatment can be determined more accurately, it can compare with kedaan before being treated. This design can be described as follows:
O1 X O2
Sugiyono (2013: 110)
X = Treatment in the form of web-based media
O1 = Value pretest (prior to treatment)
O2 = Value posttest (after treatment)
B. Variable Research
The variables examined in this study is the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable is a web-based tutorial media while the dependent variable is the result of learning physics.
C. Subjects Research
Subjects in this study were students of class X MIA 12 SMA 1 Sungguminasa 2014/2015 school year, amounting to 45 learners.
D. Definition of Operational Variables
             Media is a web-based tutorial teaching and learning system where a teacher featuring video tutorials that cover topics taught and then students can access the video on the website of E-learning, wherever and whenever.
Physics learning outcomes in this study is the score obtained by learners through tests of student learning. These capabilities include memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation as measured using the test results to learn physics.

E. Data Collection Procedures
To achieve the research objectives that have been set, the procedure should be developed systematically.
1. Preparation
That initial phase in starting an activity before researchers conduct research directly into the field to collect data, such as drafting a thesis, has obtained a permit to conduct research and prepare tools and materials to be used in research.
2. Phase preparation
At this stage of the research timetable, prepare everything related to the conduct of research, among others, to prepare and understand the learning from, RPP, questionnaires, and questions for the pretest and posttest.
F. Research Instrument
The research instrument used in this study is in the form of test results to learn physics.
Test results made by researchers studying physics in the form of multiple choice with five alternative answers, where one of the four answer choices is the key answer, while other options are incorrect answer or detractors consisting of 40 items about the cognitive aspects with indicators include C1, C2, C3, C4 hereinafter in ujicobakan to see the validity and reliability. Scoring the test instrument is a score one for each correct answer and zero for wrong answers.
The test instrument "physics achievement test" conducted by the number of respondents who numbered approximately 44orang.
a. validity
Having tested the next instrument in the analysis to determine the validity of using biserial correlation.

gpbi = correlation coefficient biseral
  Mp = The mean scores of subjects who responded well to the validity searched items.
       Mt = Average total score
             St = standard deviation of the total score
              p = proportion of students who answered correctly

             q = The proportion of students who answered incorrectly (q = 1 - p)
          Whether or not valid i-th item is shown by comparing the value of (i) the value of rtabel at significance level a = 0.05 with the following criteria:
If: Value (i) ≥ rtabel, the item is valid
Value (i) & lt; rtabel, items declared invalid
b. reliability
The number of valid items calculation of the reliability test is then performed using the formula Kuder Richardson - 20 (KR-20) as follows:
R11 = overall test reliability
p = proportion of subjects who answered the item correctly
q = proportion of subjects who answered the item one (q = 1 - p)
     = Number of the multiplication of p and q
      n = Number of items
  S = standard deviation of the test (the root of variance)
G. Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques used in this research is to use the test results of learning in the form of multiple choice questions that have been tested to determine the validity and reliability before it is used as an instrument problem. This instrument in the form of pretest and posttest, pretest is given to students at the beginning of the meeting and posttest was given at the last meeting.
H. Data Analysis Techniques
Management of research data using two statistical techniques, namely the descriptive statistics and test Gain.
1. Descriptive statistical analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis is intended to present or express meteri student learning outcomes in optical devices. The study results appear in the form of an average score, highest score, lowest score and standard deviation.
The mean score and standard deviation of the total obtained by students in learning physics test results in this study were calculated using a calculator fx-82MS. Moreover, it can also be calculated using the following formula:
The average total score, with the formula:
The standard deviation, with the formula:
2. Test Gain
The calculation of the gain index aims to determine the increase in the pretest and posttest. In this study, the index gain will be used when the average value of posttes before and after different treatment. Gain index formula (d) according to Meltzer is as follows:

Tabel 3.1 Kriteria interpertasi indeks gain yang dikemukakan oleh Hake
Besarnya “d” Gain
g   0,70
g < 0,30
Indeks gain tinggi
Indeks gain sedang
Indeks gain rendah
(M.Arief Fauzan Bukhori, 2013)
Keterangan :
O1          = hasil pengukuran pretest

O2        = hasil pengukuran posttest